Sunday, 13 May 2012

Selected Games April- May 2012

Hello all,

Apologies forthe long gap in posts- the real world has gotten in the way of my club attendance.  Games have been progressing with gusto however, and although I haven't seen them I have cobbled together some photographs of various games.

Vimiero August 1808

Operation Yacht, Britain vs. Japan WW2

American Civil War Battle, Fire and Fury rules

French-Indian War, 6mm using Black Powder rules

Hopefully I'll be able to report on some more games in full very soon!  Until then apologies for the tardness!

If you're interested in finding out more about our club, or would like to join, then please contact our club secretary Peter Helm on (01323) 732801. The club facilities are based in Lower Dicker, times from 7- 10pm every Monday.

Subscription fee is £4.00 per evening, which includes use of club tables and scenery. Your first week is free. Storage for member's belongings is provided for multi-week games at no additional cost.