Thursday, 9 February 2012

Seven Years' War- European Theatre

Hello once again!

A club project involving several members has been to collect and paint up some forces for the Seven Years' War in 28mm.  Recently we got together sufficient forces to put on game with French vs. British/Hanoverians- I gather that other nationalities are on the way but sadly unable to attend this battle.  All I know is that it's like Napoleonics, but with more in the way of triangular hats.

Nonetheless, the armies look pretty awesome, I hope you'll agree.  We used two of our modular boards together for this game, all the scenery belongs to the club and the ruleset used was 'Minden Rose'.  Hope you enjoy the pictures!

My brave Irish unit defending the village in the centre of the board.

Some nasty Hanoverian types trying to take my village off me.  The Irish unexpectedly held on against the crack troops.  Go me and my dice rolls.

...and now some better pictures taken by another club member.

Looks like Pete has found photoshop!

In standard wargaming fashion, you give a player a small hill and they HAVE to fit an entire gun battery on it.




  1. Those look great.
    How did you find Minden Rose ?
    I have been trying them recently and quite liked them as a sort of 'fastplay old school feel' set


    1. Cheers for the kind words. As a ruleset- I personally like the mechanic about 'hits per stand', so battered units evaporate far quicker. Overall, I think we need some more games under our belt before we know if it will become the club's 'go to' rules for this period.

      For one thing, we gave cavalry six stands each, because apparently they got marmalised in a practice game with the umpires. In this game, they pretty much rode over everything except other cavalry! Looked pretty though...


If you're interested in finding out more about our club, or would like to join, then please contact our club secretary Peter Helm on (01323) 732801. The club facilities are based in Lower Dicker, times from 7- 10pm every Monday.

Subscription fee is £4.00 per evening, which includes use of club tables and scenery. Your first week is free. Storage for member's belongings is provided for multi-week games at no additional cost.