Monday, 22 October 2012

A long-overdue update!

It's been a great deal of time since my last post here- a nasty accident involving my camera and its memory card lost a lot of photos, and this rather deflated me to say the least.  Nonetheless, I've just managed to salvage a good many of them, so although a replacement camera will be a while yet in coming, I've got a few posts to make.

First, club business- we are still taking on new members here, and would like to welcome Mark and his exquisitely-painted figures to our number.  Some of his handiwork can be seen below.

If anyone else local to the East Sussex area wishes to come along and see what it's all about here, then please see the contact details below.

Second- some pictures!  We've certainly not been idle in the time since the last update.  I have uploaded a few pictures from the selection I saved from the wreckage, and will be making separate updates with some of the more complete collections in updates to come.
Kampfgruppe Normandy game with club 20mm models

A 28mm Seven Years War game

Last for today- a small game of Fire and Fury, using Eric's 15mm ACW figures.



1 comment:

  1. Hello, this looks like a really cool thing you ha e going on here. I'm interested in popping in this evening to meet you all but the number listed below says not valid when I try to call. Is there an alternative contact method or an address for the 7pm meet location?


If you're interested in finding out more about our club, or would like to join, then please contact our club secretary Peter Helm on (01323) 732801. The club facilities are based in Lower Dicker, times from 7- 10pm every Monday.

Subscription fee is £4.00 per evening, which includes use of club tables and scenery. Your first week is free. Storage for member's belongings is provided for multi-week games at no additional cost.